February 2025

My forthcoming new novel is nearing the final stages of preparation for publication. It should be out later this year and will be my first new novel since 2017.

3 December 2024

A snapshot of my publications list and bio is on AustLit at this link:

28 November 2024

We’re in the last days of spring here in Victoria, and summer weather has arrived. I’ll be posting news of my books (published, and in progress) on this website.

My published books are listed further below. I have recently finished a new novel (not a new edition, an entirely new fiction novel) and am planning my next book now. News will be going up here in due course. [That’s a lot of ‘news’ and news].

September 1, 2024. Spring is here in Victoria. What a welcome relief after a long strange winter. And to welcome the season I am posting news of the new editions of my novels, The Antipode Room and Sayonara Baby that I have published in hardback this year (2024), with photos.

I will be putting up a few pages of each novel to give a ‘sneak peek’ of my writing which I have photographed, today.

August 31, 2024. I have put up a two page excerpt from my short story ‘Trying to Find Home’. This is published in Arts Features International: Under the Radar (2019). I am unsure about putting up more excerpts of my writings at the moment so this may suffice for now. A lot of my writing is in books on Borderstream Books website, as well as many journalism articles, and the scholarly journal articles which can be found in libraries if anyone is interested (as can my books and Arts Features International journal, which should be able to be ordered through libraries, I believe, as well as through bookshops).

August 15, 2024. In addition to soon putting up on this website chapter extracts from my published novels I may also put up a chapter extract from my literary studies book which I wrote from my PhD thesis The Writer’s Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma, and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity, and maybe my editorials, or one from Escape Artists Anthology and one or two from the journal anthology Arts Features International which I founded, edited and published and also contributed my short stories, criticism, poetry, interviews and photographs to. I may post one of my short stories from the journal anthology on this website too, for readers who are interested in or like my writing. Meanwhile you can find all of these books on Borderstream Books website.

August 15, 2024. I will soon be putting up dedicated pages, with publication details and chapter extracts from the latest editions of my novels, The Antipode Room: An Australian Fugue Novel (hardback published 2024; paperback 2023) and Sayonara Baby: An Australian Fugue Novel (hardback published in 2024; paperback published 2023). These are in my Australian Fugue Series, and are illustrated with photographic artworks, a series of fourteen images in The Antipode Room, and one in Sayonara Baby (which also has the addition of a poem I wrote in the time in which the novel is set, the early 1980s, and was published in LiNQ, Literature in North Queensland).

Look out for chapters going up on my website soon from the latest editions of my novels, The Antipode Room: An Australian Fugue Novel and Sayonara Baby: An Australian Fugue Novel. Meanwhile, all my books are on sale, with publication details on Borderstream Books website shop. There are are a couple of my journalism articles at these links: 'Emotional Trauma Steals Memories and Lives' (2015), Sydney Morning Herald. 'War Drums Beat Over Beckett', The Irish Times (January 2003)

August 4, 2024. I have recently finished writing a new novel (unpublished) which I am considering serialising on my website. Still thinking about that. Meanwhile, I write every day. [I have taken down the note I had posted here but may say more about my new and ongoing writing later. RS Aug 17, 2024].

News from earlier:

This year, 2024, I have released new hardbacks of my novels The Antipode Room: An Australian Fugue Novel and Sayonara Baby: An Australian Fugue Novel these were published at the end of 2023 in paperback and ebook (The Antipode Room) and paperback (Sayonara Baby). The Antipode Room new edition was published in hardback in January 2024 and Sayonara Baby on 24 May 2024. They are available at Borderstream Books website, from me, and in online bookshops around the world, and in some libraries.

From 2023:

Out now: The Antipode Room, a novel in the Australian Fugue series, with fourteen photographic images I made, is now out in ebook, on Borderstream Books website. (This is the fictional novel alone without the medical and cultural history in Australian Fugue: The Antipode Room, to those who have read it). You can see it at this link here. And here.

A Note from 2023:

Forthcoming : The Antipode Room (Australian Fugue, #1) will be out in paperback and hard cover in November, if all goes to plan. (I’ve learnt to take nothing for granted, maybe like most if not all of us). Well it has all gone to plan and my novels The Antipode Room (Australian Fugue, #1), and Sayonara Baby (Australian Fugue, #2) were both published in paperback on the dates planned. The Antipode Room paperback was published on 29 November 2023 (yesterday), and Sayonara Baby on 30 November 2023 (today). They are both on the Borderstream Books website, and on sale on the website, with deliveries to Australia (and can be sent internationally if you send me an email at for details of payment and shipping costs). They will be up in online stores around the world in the coming weeks. Both novels will be published in hardback in 2024.


Skilbeck, Ruth. 2024. The Antipode Room: An Australian Fugue Novel. Whittington, Victoria: Borderstream Books. In hardback (2024), paperback (2023) and ebook-pdf (2023).

Skilbeck, Ruth. 2024. Sayonara Baby: An Australian Fugue Novel. Whittington, Victoria: Borderstream Books. In hardback (2024), paperback (2023) - forthcoming in ebook later this year.

Earlier editions:

Skilbeck, Ruth, Australian Fugue: The Antipode Room, Newcastle: Postmistress Press, ebook-pdf, 2014 (collector’s edition ebook); 2015 (paperback); 2016 (ebook-kindle) ; paperback, 2015.

Skilbeck, Ruth, Missing [also titled Australian Fugue: Missing] Newcastle: Postmistress Press, 2015 (ebook-kindle); 2016( paperback); 2017 (hardback). Abridged edition of AFTAR without the nonfiction interwoven sections, and a faster paced narrative.

Skilbeck, Ruth. Sayonara Baby. Borderstream Books, 2021 (ebook-kindle); 2017 (paperback). An Australian Fugue series novel. New edition novel with one photographic art image - out in November 2023. Sayonara Baby has been published as a standalone novel alternatively titled Cafe Life in the Antipodes.

Literary studies book editions- PhD thesis rewritten as a book

Skilbeck, Ruth, The Writer’s Fugue, Newcastle: PostMistress Press, ebook-pdf, 2016, hardback, 2016.

Skilbeck, Ruth, The Writer’s Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity. Newcastle: Postmistress Press. Hardback, 2017; paperback, 2017, ebook 2020.

 Short Fiction, short stories and poetry

Skilbeck, Ruth (2019). ‘Felena Springs,’ Arts Features International, July-September 2019:  Facing the Future [utopian speculative fiction short story] pp. 25-27

Skilbeck, Ruth (2019). ‘Trying to Find Home,’ Arts Features International, January-March 2019: Under the Radar [short story] pp.85-97

Skilbeck, Ruth (2018). ‘When Poverty Slaps You Down,’ Escape Artists Anthology 2013-2017 [poem]

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Slugs,’ LiNQ, [Literature in North Queensland] 1980 [poem]

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Dolls House Delusion.’ Winner of Radio ANU short story competition, broadcast on radio. 1976.

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Suite of poems’ selected and read on Radio ANU, Canberra, 1976.

Skilbeck, Ruth. "The Spiderweb" poem published in Puffin Post (Penguin), 1972.

Book chapters

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Exiled Writers, Human Rights and Social Advocacy Movements in Australia: a Critical Fugal Analysis,’ Chapter 4, Cultural Studies of Rights: Critical Articulations. Ed. John Nguyet Erni. 2011; 2014. Routledge, London and New York. pp 60-76

Skilbeck, Ruth, Mary Kelly and Kelly Barry (2011). ‘Ruth Skilbeck in Conversation with Mary Kelly and Kelly Barrie’, Chapter 1, The M Word: Real Mothers in Contemporary Art, Demeter Press, Toronto. pp 46-50

Collins, Jock; Darcy, Simon; Jordan, Kirrily; Skilbeck, Ruth; Grabowski, Simone; Peel, Vicki; Dunstan, David; Lacey, Gary; Firth, Tracy, Cultural Landscapes of Tourism in New South Wales and Victoria, Sustainable Tourism CRC Technical Reports, Griffith, Queensland, Australia, 2008. [Chapter 8 on the Art Gallery of New South Wales].

Refereed Journal Articles

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘First Things: Reflections on Single-Lens Digital Reflex Photography with a Wide-Angle Lens,’ The International Journal of the Image, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 55-67

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Remembering Australia’s Forgotten Mothers: Reclaiming Lost Identity in Colonial History,’ Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 163-177

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Gazing Boldly Back and Forward: Urban Aboriginal Women Artists and New Global Feminisms in Transnational Art’, International Journal of the Arts in Society. Vol. 5, Issue 6, 2011, pp. 261-276

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Exiled Writers, Human Rights, and Social Advocacy Movements in Australia: A Critical Fugal Analysis’. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Sept 2010, pp. 280-296 

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Re-viewing Feminist Influences in Transnational Art: A Multimodal, Fugal Analysis of Mary Kelly’s Texts of ‘Maternal Desire’.’  International Journal of the Arts in Society, Vol. 4, Issue 5, 2010, pp. 15-28

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Arts Journalism and Exiled Writers: A Case Study of Fugal, Reflexive Practice’. Pacific Journalism Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, Oct 2009, pp. 132-151 

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Art Journalism and the Impact of ‘Globalisation’: New Fugal Modalities of Storytelling in Austral-Asian Writing.’ Pacific Journalism Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, Sept 2008, pp. 141-161

 Refereed Conference Paper Publications

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Through the ‘I’s’ of Lost Time: Proust’s Performative Fugue of Temps Perdu.’ Time. Transcendence. Performance. International Conference. Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, October 2009. Online publication.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Persephone’s Paradox: The Author’s Journey into the Underworld’, Motham, L et al (eds), Women Doing Research. Women in Research Conference, 1-10. 1-921047-10- 0. Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Queensland, 2005.

Preface Writer

Boochani, Behrouz (author), Tofighian, Omid (translator), Skilbeck, Ruth (preface writer), A Letter from Manus Island, Borderstream Books, 2018; 2023. Pamphlet, in paperback and ebook-pdf. pp. 7-11

Wolman, Kenneth (author), Skilbeck, Ruth (preface writer), A Brief Guide to Middle Class Homelessness, PostMistress Press, Newcastle, 2017. Pamphlet in paperback and ebook-pdf. pp. VII-VIII

Journalism Articles and Essays

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Editorial’ Arts Features International, July-September 2019, Facing the Future, 2019 pp. 7-14

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Letter from the Editor,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption (Issue 3), 2019 pp. 7-13

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘First Artists Announcement: NIRIN Biennale of Sydney,’ Arts Features International, April-July 2019: Destruction and Disruption (Issue 3), 2019 pp. 13-20

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Newcastle Heritage Policy? Kerb Your Enthusiasm,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption (Issue 3), 2019 pp. 48-51

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Book extract: The Writer’s Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity (2nd ed.) From Chapter one: Exiled Writers’ Human Rights and Social Advocacy Movements in Australia: A Critical Fugal Analysis,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption (Issue 3), 2019 pp. 55-81

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Biennale Artists Responses to Cutting the Ties with ‘Detention Camps,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption 2019 pp. 89-92

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Adani Mine Emergency,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption (Issue 3), 2019 pp. 13-20

Skilbeck, Ruth and Symons, Suellen, ‘Artists and Local Community Against Adani Mine,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption 2019 pp. 94-96

Symons, Suellen and Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Big Rev-Up: Stop Adani Benefit Auction,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption 2019 pp. 96-100

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Cafe Life in the Antipodes. Novel extract,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption (Issue 3), 2019 pp.123-127

Skilbeck, Ruth ‘Under Twenty-Seven–Ella Dreyfus’ Exhibition at Watt Space Gallery. Head On Photo Festival. On-site photography. Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption (Issue 3), 2019 pp. 154-155; 163-165

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Under a Maternal Feminist Gaze–Ella Dreyfus’ Under Twenty-Seven,’ Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption 2019 pp. 156-159

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Letter from the Editor,’ Arts Features International, January-March 2019: Under the Radar (Issue 2), 2019, p. 11

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘On Karen Pearlman’s Documentary: Woman with an Editing Bench: Recovering the Creative Work of the Uncredited Women Editors and Filmmakers of Soviet Cultural History,’ Arts Features International, January-March 2019: Under the Radar (Issue 2), 2019 pp. 30-37  [This is the title in the contents page, in the edition it is also titled ‘Discovering the Uncredited Woman Editor of Soviet Montage Films’]

Skilbeck, Ruth and Pearlman, Karen. ‘Karen Pearlman Interviewed by Ruth Skilbeck,’ Arts Features International, January-March 2019: Under the Radar (Issue 2), 2019, pp. 37-40

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Trying to Find Home’, short story memoir with art photograph, Arts Features International, January-March 2019: Under the Radar (Issue 2), 2019, pp. 85-97

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘On Behrouz Boochani with review discussion of his film Chauka, Please Tell Us the Time – extracted from The Writer’s Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity, 3rd edition’, eBook pdf.  Arts Features International, January-March 2019: Under the Radar (Issue 2), 2019, pp. 100-105

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Letter from the Editor,’ Arts Features International, Issue 1, Winter 2018: Escape Artists Anthology, 2018 pp. 1-2

Kelly, Mary, Barrie, Kelly, and Ruth Skilbeck. ‘Ruth Skilbeck in Conversation with Mary Kelly and Kelly Barrie,’ Arts Features International: Escape Artists Anthology, 2018, pp. 217-230

Skilbeck, Ruth and Barnett, Christopher. ‘Christopher Barnett Interviewed by Ruth Skilbeck,’Arts Features International: Escape Artists Anthology, 2018, pp. 258-270 [Also in: Skilbeck, Ruth ed. Escape Artists Anthology 2013-2017]

Skilbeck, Ruth and Tsoulis, Anne. ‘Anne Tsoulis in Interview with Ruth Skilbeck. On Making These Heathen Dreams,’ Arts Features International: Escape Artists Anthology, 2018, pp. 271-286 [Also in: Skilbeck, Ruth ed. Escape Artists Anthology 2013-2017]

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Notes from The Writer’s Fugue: 3rd ed.’ Arts Features International: Escape Artists Anthology, pp 4-26

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Hidden Mother,’ Arts Features International: Escape Artists Anthology, 2018, pp. 232-237

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Editor’s Preface,’ Escape Artists Anthology 2013-2017, pp 9-16

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘War Drums Beat over Beckett’, Escape Artists Anthology, pp. 225-230

Skilbeck, Ruth and Dushko Petrovic, ‘Dushko Petrovic in Interview with Ruth Skilbeck,’ Escape Artists Anthology 2013-2017

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Emotional Trauma Steals Memories and Lives,’ Sydney Morning Herald, July 17, 2015.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Intertwined: Exhibiting Mother Artists,’ Lip Magazine, May 8, 2015. [Artist-curator essay with images]

Skilbeck, Ruth, Article on commuting in Adjunct Commuter Weekly, USA. 2015. Print issue.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Infinity Nets and Polka Dots: Yayoi Kusama MCA Exhibition Preview and Artist Profile,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 47 Jan-March 2009, pp. 98-102

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Andreas Gursky’ Exhibition preview, Australian Art Collector, Issue 47, 2009, pp. 176-177

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Inside the Covers: Lives of the Papunya Tula Artists: Author Interview with Vivien Johnson,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 47, January-March 2009

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Rising Importance of Art Fairs,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 47, Jan-March 2009, 94-96

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘New Dealers’, Australian Art Collector, Issue 47, Jan-March 2009, pp. 184-188

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Despot Birdhouses,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 47, Jan-March 2009

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Colonial Forces—Yinka Shonibare MBE’, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, Oct-Dec 2008, 140-148

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Behind the Scenes: Beauty, Truth and Contemporary Art’, interviews with Adam Cullen and Dr Christopher Allen, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, 2008, 120-121

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Like Father, like Son,’ (on Ray Hughes and Evan Hughes’ gallery) Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, Oct-Dec 2008

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Global Art Market Report,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, 2008, 106-107

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Openings and Closings,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, 2008, 102-103

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Karen Woodbury’ gallerist interview. Australian Art Collector, 2008. 137

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Simon Klose’ museum director, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, 2008, 38

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Ashley Crawford’ critic, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, Oct-Dec 2008, 182

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Wendy Walker’ critic, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, Oct-Dec 2008

Skilbeck, Ruth ‘Paul Greenaway’ gallerist, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, Oct-Dec 2008

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Anne Loxley’ curator, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, 2008, 175

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Judy Annear’ curator interview, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, 2008, 177

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Nellie Castan’ gallerist interview, Australian Art Collector, Oct-Dec 2008

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Make Art Not War,’ Homepagedaily. com (Pink Oblong column), Feb 2008

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Changing Cultural Landscapes,’ U Magazine, UTS, Sydney, 2007

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The New Philanthropy 1,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 41, 2007, 104-105

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘New Philanthropy 2,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 41, 105-107

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘International Sculpture,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 34, 2005

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Tracey Moffatt,’ (Long feature and preview of upcoming exhibition), Pol Oxygen: Design, Art, Architecture, Issue 8, 2004, 44-52

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Body of Work,’ [Antony Gormley, long feature, interviewed the artist in London], Pol Oxygen: Design, Art, Architecture, Issue 5, 2003, 38-47

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Urban Warrior’ [on David Adjaye architect-long feature, interview at his London office], Pol Oxygen: Design, Art, Architecture, Issue 4, 2003, 93-102

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Contemporary Australian Art Comes of Age,’ (Series of four interlinked features 12,000 words) Australian Art Collector, Issue 25, 2003, pp. 75-89

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Artist,’ Australian Art Collector. Issue 25, 2003, pp. 76-80

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Curator,’ Australian Art Collector. Issue 25, 2003, pp. 81-83

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Gallerist,’ Australian Art Collector. Issue 25, 2003, pp. 84-86

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Critic,’ Australian Art Collector. Issue 25, 2003, pp. 87-89

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘A Masterly Collection’ [interview-based feature on James Fairfax and his collection of Old Masters]. Australian Art Collector. Issue 25 July-Sept 2003, 58-61

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Art Apocalypse,’ feature on artist Charlie Co. Pol Oxygen: Design, Art, Architecture, Issue 3, July-August 2003, pp. 77-83

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Colour Number Letter Thing,’ Strutt Sisters [feature]. Australian Art Review, Issue 3, July-August 2003, pp. 34-36

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Tracey Emin Down Under,’ [long feature based on days, and nights, with Tracey Emin and her father, Enver Emin in Sydney in 2003, 3000 words], Pol Oxygen: Design, Art, Architecture, Issue 2, 2003, pp. 116-125

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘War Drums Beat Over Beckett,’ The Irish Times, Dublin, Jan 17, 2003

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Heavy Petting’ [feature on artist Del Kathryn Barton], (Not Only) Black + White, Issue 59, 2002, pp. 11-15

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Street Life,’ Review of abstract artist Brett McMahon, (Not Only) Black + White, Issue 54, 2001, p. 12

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘French Resistance’ [feature on Ludovic Navarre of jazz combo, St Germain] (Not Only) Black + White, Issue 47, 2000, pp. 20-21

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘From Mao to Now’ [feature on artist Guo Jian], (Not Only) Black + White, Issue 42, 2000, pp. 24-26

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Voodoo Art,’ HQ, Issue 54, 1997, pp. 12-13

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Getting Your Goat,’ Interview based profile of Mambo artist, Michael Bell, Australian Style, Issue 27, 1997, 68-78

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Off beat Partners’ [1500-word, page feature on artists Michael Bell and Steven Abbott], The Newcastle Herald, December 7, 1997

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Networking with a Baby,’ Mother & Baby, April/ May 1995, Sydney, Australia, 1500 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Late Babies,’ Mother & Baby, August/September 1994, Sydney, Australia 3000 words pp. 55-58

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Disabled Artists Demonstration,’ City Limits, London, UK, August 1988

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Workhouse, London Disability Forum club,’ City Limits, June 1988

Skilbeck, Ruth, D.A. Day, ‘Disabled Artists’ [news feature],’ City Limits, June 1988 

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Women’s Soccer,’ news, The Observer, London, UK, August 12, 1986

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Women’s Soccer,’ [feature] Time Out, London, UK, July 21, 1986

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Racial discrimination,’ Work Out, London, UK, April-May 1985

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Kathy Acker,’ City Limits, London, UK, Issue 150, 1985

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Kathy Acker and Psychic TV,’ London, UK, Melody Maker, August 15, 1985

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Genesis P. Orridge at the ICA with Kathy Acker,’ New Musical Express, London, UK, August 30, 1985

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Travelling Back to Happiness,’ The Daily Express, London, January 23, 1984

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘NUT plans ‘Schools Council in Exile,’ Education, London, April 29, 1983.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘UNESCO moves,’ Times Higher Education Supplement, August 9 1983, p 6

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Banking for Women,’ The Daily Express, London, UK, Nov 8, 1983, 500 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Write Image Makes a Big Comeback,’ The Daily Express, Oct 10, 1983

 Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Divorce Ad Turn Off’ [effects of marriage breakdown on women’s attitudes to advertising], The Daily Express, London, UK, September 15, 1983, 800 words

Skilbeck, Ruth ‘Beth Sarli—Artist Profile,’ U Magazine, January Issue, 1983, Dublin, Ireland

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Lesson in Jive, Irish Club Dublin’ (Young Ireland) The Irish Press, Dublin, Ireland, January 14, 1983

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Margarine Claims Big Inroads into Butter Market,’ (Monday Money page) The Irish Press, Dublin, Ireland, January 10, 1983, 1500 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Psychotherapy: Book review,’ U Magazine, November Issue, 1982, Dublin, Ireland

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Anco Training Programmes,’ Magill Ireland’s current affairs magazine, November Issue, 1982, Dublin, Ireland, 1982, 1000 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Ulster Women to Clear ‘Cracked Mirror,’ (Miscellany page) The Sunday Tribune, Dublin, Ireland, October 10, 1982

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘How ‘Born Again’ Mick and Paddy Blow Irish Minds,’ (Miscellany page) The Sunday Tribune, Dublin, Ireland, September 11, 1982

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Of Booze and Broken Bones,’ (Miscellany page) The Sunday Tribune, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 5, 1982

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘A Rose by Any Other Name,’ U Magazine, August Issue, Dublin, Ireland, 1982

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Couples: Working Together,’ The Sunday Tribune magazine, Dublin, Ireland, August 1982. 2000 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Goulding’s Garden Restaurant,’ Aspect magazine (Issue 4), 1982

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘John Farrell—Theatre Director,’ Aspect magazine (Issue 6) Dublin, Ireland, June 1982, 800 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Don’t Put Your Daughter on the Stage,’ The Irish Press, Dublin, Ireland, June 25, 1982, 800 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘John’s Young Theatre Plan,’ The Irish Press, Dublin, June 20, 1982, 800 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Waste Not, Want Not,’ (domestic recycling) The Sunday Tribune magazine, Dublin, Ireland, June 14, 1982, 1000 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Sow Easy’ [column and drawings], (Young Tribune) The Sunday Tribune newspaper Dublin, Ireland, June 7, 1982, 800 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Spawn Free’ [column and drawings], (Young Tribune) The Sunday Tribune, Dublin, Ireland, May 30, 1982, 800 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Butterfly,’ (Young Tribune) The Sunday Tribune, Dublin, Ireland, May 1982

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘They’re Young, Enterprising and Guaranteed Irish,’ (Miscellany page) The Sunday Tribune, Dublin, Ireland, March 15, 1982, 1800 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Tim Goulding—Artist Profile,’ Irish Times, Dublin, Feb 20, 1982, 1000 words

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Another Antipodean Christmas Bites the Dust,’ The Irish Press, Dublin, Ireland, 13 December 1981, 1000-word newspaper feature

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Immigrant Women’ (long magazine feature with 6 profiles), The Sunday Tribune Dublin, Ireland, December 9, 1981, 3000 words 

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Down Under Days’, The Irish Times, Dublin, Oct 15, 1981, 1000-word feature

Conference presentations with screening of multimedia narrative poem, 2010; 2004

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Persephone’s Paradox: Rebirth of the Author—a multimedia narrative poem,’ screened at: time.transcendence.performance Monash University. 2010

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Persephone’s Paradox: Rebirth of the Author—a multimedia narrative poem,’ screened at: Culture and the Unconscious 2—Psychoanalysts, Academics and Artists in Dialogue, Tavistock Clinic and University of East London, School of African and Oriental Studies, London, 2004

Televised Book Launch and Author Talk, ANU School of Art, 2015

Curator of Intertwined exhibition. May 2015, Australian National University School of Art, launch of Australian Fugue: The Antipode Room and exhibition of photo-media art from Ruth Skilbeck series Last Things, with exhibition of the journal article by Ruth Skilbeck:

‘First Things: Reflections on Single-Lens Digital Reflex Photography with a Wide-Angle Lens,’ The International Journal of the Image, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2013, 55-67.

Talk televised and screened on TVS 24 Channel 44, May 2015. Woodland Productions.

 Author Talks and Book Signings

2015. Author talk. Booklovers, Cooks Hill Books and Records, Newcastle, NSW

2017. Book Signing. Daylesford Festival, Daylesford, Victoria.                                                           

 Book Talks, Book Choice writer and presenter, BBC World Service Radio, London

Skilbeck, Ruth. ‘Book Talk: Sexual Desire—a Philosophical Investigation,’ Book Choice, BBC World Service, 25 March 1986 (A talk on Roger Scruton’s book Sexual Desire—a Philosophical Investigation, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986).

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Book Talk: The British Diplomatic Service 1815-1914,’ BBC World Service Book Choice, 13 December 1984 (A talk on Raymond A. Jones’ book The British Diplomatic Service 1815-1914, Buckinghamshire: Colin Smyth Ltd, 1983) Talk awarded BBC Book Choice ‘Pick of the Month’ Award.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Book Talk: Red and Hot: The Fate of Jazz in the Soviet Union, 1917-1980.’ Book Talk on Book Choice, BBC World Service, 1983 (Talk on Frederick Starr’s book, Red and Hot: The Fate of Jazz in the Soviet Union, 1917-1980. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.).

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Book Talk: Motivated Irrationality,’ Book Choice, BBC World Service, 1983 (Talk on David Frances Pears book Motivated Irrationality. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984).

Published abstracts (and paper presentations at conferences)

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2022, 'Ethical Representation and Cultural Care in 'Polyphonic' Art Writing.' Panel 35 Why we should care: Art Writing and care ethics. 2022 AAANZ Conference DEMONSTRATIONS co-hosted by the University of Melbourne and Monash University (forthcoming Dec 2, 2022)

Skilbeck. Ruth, 2021, 'Fugal Modality of Writing–a psychodynamic feminist musicalized theory of literary writing of trauma, loss and self-restitution.’ Texts and their Limits. Australia's Triennial Literary Studies Convention. Victoria University, Melbourne. 20-23 July 2021. Online Zoom conference.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2019, ‘The art of fugue fiction as representation of loss and transformation of the subject/self in an art novel and an artist’s book, in social and cultural contexts,’ Belonging and Detachment: Representing Musical Identity in Visual Culture, Répetoire International d’Iconographie Musicale, The 19th International Conference of Association RIdIM, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, 13-15 November 2019

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2019, ‘Montage Editing as Écriture féminine in Karen Pearlman’s Work,’ Literature and the Moving Image, Australasian Association of Literature and Camera-Stylo Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney 11-13 July 2019 

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2018, ‘Imagining, Creating and Publishing Escape Artists Anthology,’ Innovation Showcase on the theme of Artificial Images and Visual Intelligence: Seeing in the Age of Big-Data at the Ninth International Conference on the Image, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China, 3-4 November 2018.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2013. ‘Beyond ‘Querelle des Bouffons’: Pre-modern melody and new Western harmony in discourses of modern ‘subjects’ and literary subjectivity,’ Australasian Association for Literature annual conference, Modern Soundscapes, University of New South Wales, July 2013.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2012. ‘From WAM to MAM: Feminist Mothers’ Creative and Political Interventions in Contemporary Art and Arts Journalism.’ Australian Women’s and Gender Studies Biennial Conference 2012, University of New South Wales Nov 21-Nov 23, 2012.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2012. ‘Last Things: Reflections on a Photographic Series.’ Third International Conference on the Image, Higher School of Humanities and Journalism, Poznan, Poland 14-16 Sept 2012. [Virtual presentation; peer-reviewed paper and images published in journal].

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2012. ‘Fugal modality’ and the limits of expression: censorship, trauma and self-exile in ‘fugue’ writers from Joyce to exiled journalists.’ Australasian Literature Association Annual Conference, Literature and Censorship, UNSW and National Library of Australia, Canberra, July 2012.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2012. ‘Remembering Australia’s Forgotten Mothers’: Finding Lost Identity in Colonial History.’ International MIRCI Conference on Mothers and History: Histories of Motherhood. York University. Toronto, Canada, May 10-12, 2012.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2010. ‘Gazing Boldly Back and Forwards: Australian contemporary women artists in global feminism.’ 5th International Arts in Society conference, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, July 2010.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2009. ‘Through the ‘I’s’ of Lost Time: Proust’s Performative Fugue of Temps Perdu.’ Time. Transcendence Performance. International conference. Monash University, Melbourne, October 1-3, 2009.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2009. ‘Re-viewing Feminist Influences in Transnational Art: A Multimodal Fugal Analysis of Mary Kelly’s Texts of ‘Maternal Desire.’ 4th International Arts in Society conference, Venice, Italy, July 2009 [Virtual presentation].

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2008. ‘Trauma, Courage and Journalism: Reporting the Stories of Refugee Writers.’ Giving the People what They Want: The Public Right to Know 2008 conference, Australian Centre for Independent Journalism, University of Technology, Sydney, October 2008.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2007. ‘Austral-Asian Art Writing in the Globalised Media: New Cosmopolitan Modalities of Story Telling.’ The Public Right to Know 2007 conference. Australian Centre for Independent Journalism, University of Technology, Sydney, November 2007.

Skilbeck, Ruth, 2007. ‘Tourism and/or Cosmopolitanism: Art Museums as Contested Sites of Cross-Cultural Regeneration for Civil Societies,’ UTS Conference on Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, Centre for Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, University of Technology, Sydney, Oct 2007.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘James Joyce’s Intermedial ‘Sirens’ Song’. Rethinking the Past: Experimental Histories in the Arts conference, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. July 2006

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Persephone’s Paradox: The Author’s Journey into the Underworld,’ Women Doing Research, Women in Research 2005 conference, Central Queensland University, Gladstone, Queensland, Oct. 2005.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Voice of Persephone: The First Wrench—the Artist’s Journey into the Underworld, Performative text and animated DVD: ‘Persephone’s Paradox: Rebirth of the Author—a multimedia narrative poem,’ Culture and the Unconscious 2- Psychoanalysts, Academics and Artists in Dialogue conference. [Presented my paper and multimedia] Tavistock Clinic and University of East London, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, July 2004.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘The Writer’s Fugue: A Creative Gift of Magical Absence,’ Culture and the Unconscious – Psychoanalysts, Academics and Artists in Dialogue conference, Tavistock Clinic and University of East London, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, July 2003.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Mothertongue/Playing Mum: The Art of Laughter and Forgetting.’ Rethinking Creative Processes/Repenser les processus créateurs conference, Department of French Studies, University of Sydney and Department of French, University of NSW, Sancta Sophia College, University of Sydney, February 1999.

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘De Re Thoughts,’ University of London, Birkbeck College Annual Philosophy Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Windsor, UK, 1986.

Photographs and Photomedia artworks

Photographic artworks in books:     

Skilbeck, Ruth. First series of 14 digital photographic media works in novel Australian Fugue: The Antipode Room, second edition in eBook published January 2019.

Skilbeck, Ruth. Second series of 14 digital photomontage works and photographs in artist’s book Sayonara Baby–Fragments of Memory Images eBook published January 2019.

Skilbeck, Ruth, Cover art and 11 photographs in Escape Artists Anthology 2013-2017, 2018, eBook published June 2018.

 Photographs and/or photographic artworks in journal issues:

23 images and photographic artworks in Arts Features International, January-March 2019: Under the Radar ISBN:  978-0-6483983-4-9 (eBook-pdf).  ISSN: 2209-8941   Published February 2019 ISBN: 978-0-6483983-4-9 (hardcover).  ISSN: 2209-8933   Published in ebook, hardback and paperback.

Image details:

Skilbeck, Ruth. Karen Pearlman and Richard James Allen #1, p. 32

Skilbeck, Ruth. Karen Pearlman and Richard James Allen #2, p. 34

Skilbeck, Ruth. Karen Pearlman and Richard James Allen #3, p. 36

Skilbeck, Ruth. Forest Floor Shadow, p. 98

Skilbeck, Ruth. Book cover: Fugue in Literature by Ruth Skilbeck. p. 106

Skilbeck, Ruth. Book cover: A Letter From Manus Island by Behrouz Boochani, p. 107

Skilbeck, Ruth.  One Night in Hong Kong #1-15 [15 photographic artworks] pp. 106-122

Skilbeck, Ruth. Book cover: Arts Features International, Issue 1, Winter 2018, p. 135

Skilbeck, Ruth. Book cover: Café Life in the Antipodes by Ruth Skilbeck, p.137

Arts Features International, April-June 2019, Destruction & Disruption

ISBN:  978-0-6485806-0-7 (eBook-pdf).  ISSN: 2209-8941   Published June 21, 2019

This issue number of images: 32- Cover art & 31 photographic artworks in Arts Features International, April- June 2019: Destruction and Disruption, eBook-pdf published June 2019. Book published in ebook, hardback and paperback.

Image details- cover art:

·      Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Destruction (cracked wall and floor, falling tiles)’ photograph, cover of Arts Features International, April-June 2019: Destruction and Disruption

Images in anthology journal/eBook-pdf (book published in ebook, hardback and paperback)

 ·      Skilbeck, Ruth. First Artists Announcement NIRIN Biennale of Sydney 2020, series of 9 photographs, pp13-19; 53; 200

·      Skilbeck, Ruth. Destruction (cracked wall and floor, falling tiles), p. 51

·      Skilbeck, Ruth. Sydney Biennale 2014 artists, series of 3 photographs, pp. 81-83

·      Skilbeck, Ruth. Andy Warhol publications, series of six photographs, pp. 135-138.

·      Skilbeck, Ruth. Ai Wei Wei ‘Cats are very special’ meme artwork, p. 146

·      Skilbeck, Ruth. Ella Dreyfus Under Twenty-Seven exhibition launch photographs, series of 5 photographs, pp 154-155, 163-164

 Issue: Arts Features International, July-September 2019, Facing the Future Book published in ebook, hardback and paperback

ISBN:  978-0-6485806-7-6 (eBook-pdf).   ISSN: 2209-8941   published September 2019.

 This issue number of images: 8Cover art and 7 photographic works Images in journal/ebook:

·      Skilbeck, Ruth. Global School Strike for Climate, Newcastle, NSW, 20 September 2019, series of 6 photographs, pages 6, 8,10.

·      Skilbeck, Ruth. Catalogue cover for fictional gallery in Australian Fugue novels, p. 47

Ruth Skilbeck’s Australian Fugue series novels. BOOKS with photographic artworks:

Skilbeck, Ruth. Cover art and a series of 14 digital photographic artworks in the novel The Antipode Room, second edition in eBook published January 2019.

ISBN:  978-0-6482998-5-1 (eBook-pdf)

Publisher: Borderstream Books. Cover art 14 photographic digital artworks. Publication date: January 2019


Untitled 1- Untitled 14, 2019 digital photomedia, pixel abstract images.

Skilbeck, Ruth. Cover art and a different series of 14 digital photomontage works in the artist’s book Sayonara Baby–Fragments of Memory Images eBook published January 2019.

Title: Sayonara Baby: Fragments of Memory Images.

 ISBN:  978-0-6482998-7-5 (eBook-pdf)

Cover art. 14 digital photographic artworks. Publication date: January 2019; new edition out in November 2023


  1. Forest Floor #1 the silence of your heart, 2019, digital photomontage.

  2. Forest Floor #2, 2019, digital photograph with drawing.

  3. Forest Floor #3 Sprite, 2019, digital photograph.

  4. Forest Floor #4, 2019, digital photograph with drawing.

  5. Forest Floor #5 (Violet Voyager), 2019, digital photomontage with drawing.

  6. Forest Floor #6 (blue heart), 2019, digital photograph with drawing.

  7. Forest Floor #7 (Sayonara Baby), 2019, digital photomontage with drawing.

  8. Forest Floor #8, 2019, digital photograph.

  9. Forest Floor #9, 2019, digital photograph with drawing.

  10. Forest Floor #10, 2019, digital photograph.

  11. Forest Floor #11 Blue heart, sayonara, 2019, digital photomontage.

  12. Forest Floor #12 Close up, 2019, digital photograph with text.

  13. Forest Floor #13 Sayonara, 2019, digital photomontage with drawing.

  14. Forest Floor #14 Sayonara Baby, 2019, digital photomontage with drawing

Cover art and 12 photographs and/or artworks in Arts Features International, Issue 1, Winter 2018, Escape Artists Anthology.

Photographic portraits of artists in peer reviewed journals and arts periodical:

Skilbeck, Ruth. Three portrait photographs of Mary Kelly and Kelly Barrie with article by Ruth Skilbeck, ‘Re-viewing Feminist Influences in Transnational Art: A Multimodal, Fugal Analysis of Mary Kelly’s Texts of ‘Maternal Desire,’ International Journal of the Arts in Society, Vol. 4, Issue 5, 2010, pp. 15-28

Skilbeck, Ruth, Fiona Foley portraits with article by Ruth Skilbeck ‘Gazing Boldly Back and Forward: Urban Aboriginal Women Artists and New Global Feminisms in Transnational Art,’ International Journal of the Arts in Society. Vol. 5, Issue 6, 2011, pp. 261-276

Skilbeck, Ruth, Chiekh Kone portrait with article by Ruth Skilbeck: ‘Arts Journalism and Exiled Writers: A Case Study of Fugal, Reflexive Practice,’ Pacific Journalism Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, Oct 2009, 132-151

Skilbeck, Ruth, Mohsen Soltany Zand portrait with article by Ruth Skilbeck: ‘Arts Journalism and Exiled Writers: A Case Study of Fugal, Reflexive Practice,’ Pacific Journalism Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, Oct 2009, pp. 132-151

Skilbeck, Ruth, Aunty Shirley portrait with article by Ruth Skilbeck: ‘Arts Journalism and Exiled Writers: A Case Study of Fugal, Reflexive Practice,’ Pacific Journalism Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, Oct 2009, 132-151

Skilbeck, Ruth, ‘Ray Hughes and Evan Hughes portrait,’ with article by Ruth Skilbeck ‘Like Father, like Son’, Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, Oct-Dec 2008, p. 100

Skilbeck, Ruth, Adam Cullen portrait with my essay based on my interviews with Adam Cullen and Dr Christopher Allen by Ruth Skilbeck, ‘Beauty, Truth and Contemporary Art,’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 46, Oct-Dec 2008, pp 120-121

The Antipode Room and Sayonara Baby, new editions in hardback published in 2024. The books are in reality the same size.